About Us

the story
We are beach mums, morning swimmers, sun bathers and lunch breakers. Just like you. Born out of the need to let out the week's pent up energy and grab some me-time we, started our weekly ritual of running along the coastal fringe and going for a swim at the same time. What was missing was a stylish but practical towel behind which to change into our bathers. Which needed be lightweight. Which we could lay on to soak up the sun too. And which was sustainable. We couldn’t find one. So we created one.
P.S. We've also found it's perfect for when you suddenly have to chase after your toddler or dog whilst changing into your swimmers and holding a towel in place all at the same time!
The change is EASY
The change is SUSTAINABLE
The change is ORGANIC
Join the movement, COKOON yourself! And why not look amazing whilst you do that…